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Saturday, November 11, 2023

#PromoDay - Mystee Ryann #InToX


I have a few things to share with you today :) This day is super important to me as my Grandma (I STILL miss her so much after all these years) was born on this day - November 11, 1919 


We have contributor openings right here at InToX - 2 posts a month commitment and potential for collaboration on anthologies, round-robin stories, and more (if published, royalties will be shared). Romance-only content. Please email me if you are interested: 


Hazardous to Your Sanity contributor blog has several (5) openings that would begin in January 2024. You can check out their ALL genre blog HERE and find out more about the openings by emailing Faith at


I am looking for beta readers in almost all genres (well, it feels that way, anyway). You pick the genre(s) that interest you. Beta reader expectations: 1) consistency:  did someone have blue eyes and later in the story or 2nd or 3rd book they have green with no explanation written into the story? Did I change the spelling of a name or town? Did I change the description? Etc 2) What would you like expanded? Did I not give enough background story on how someone met? Did chapter one focus on the FBI agent and chapter 2 focus on another victim....but you think in between there should be something on one of the characters out of work life? You'd let me know what you'd like to see added and where you would like to see it added for an even more complete story. Am I rushing part of the story? Let me know, feeling free to add suggestions. Interested? Email me: - Also find our more about Beta and/or ARC reading for me HERE


Have you heard about Indie Author Expo? #IndieAuthorExpoAZ2024 - Get in from the ground floor. Feel free to email me for information or any ideas you have. Currently, it is possibly going to be held in Glendale or Phoenix. Have a great value venue location? Let me know! Blog - Facebook


If you haven't already, I'd love for you to join me on any of the following platforms that you enjoy -- 

You can find me: Twitter (X) - Facebook Group - Facebook Page - Facebook Profile - LinkedIn - Instagram - Pinterest - Hazardous to Your Sanity - My blog - Newsletter - TikTok

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